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Does it really sucks???

"My life is over", we always say this when we think that our life sucks. In the midst of every challenge or problem we think that we are going through worst of life. No,you are not dramatic. Its one of our thinking errors. we can look back and can say that I survived that, I will survive other things in future. But when we any problem like financial problem,illness or adversity in our relationship. After when we lose motivation what do we do right we give up. So what to do when we have these problems or when we need motivation to live this so called sucked life. Here are some ways-

1.Do anything you want to do that makes you happy

Does shopping count? No cause that's just a temporary pleasure.instead of picking a temporary pleasure,do something that gives you real happiness. Here are a few things I would advice-

a) Organize a party or an activity with your family or friends[avoid negative people].

b) Spend a whole day reading a good book

c) Go for a long run or walk

d) Start learning something new

Things which could you do that makes you happy are unlimited. In simple words do something that makes you say,"Man, I love my life".

2. Ask for advice

To go through adversity we all need a support system. Don't go through life alone. If you don't have a support system create one. Good friends help you in making your life more happening. Try to find people like you in adversity . Too often people think too proud to ask someone for help, I will tell you this, no one in this world is strong enough to deal with adversity alone. Its true that you should be able to deal with life alone but there are times when things become too much.

3. Write down your biggest fear

When times are difficult ask questions like:

a) Did you lose your job?

b) Did I made a bad decision?

c) Did I get a divorce?

Whats the worst that could happen? Will these things kill you? Probably not.

By asking yourself these kind of questions you can judge how irrational and fearful you are. Simply ask these questions and spend some time meditating. You can also write things in journal. Do both the things to make things more better.

4. Create a plan

I have a question when dealing about adversity that: What are we going to do about it? Do we have to feel sorry for our self? Do we have to sit at home? We feel helpless because we have been trained to be passive. When you lose motivation come up with a few things. When you ave a plan, you are by definition looking at your future. And when we imagine a better future, we feel much better.

Keep reminding yourself about your goals and more importantly why are you doing it? This will keep motivating you.

Set your sight to the future until you are dead. That might be sooner than you think.

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