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I need a break.

'The best therapy is to take a break from a routine.'

If we can refill juice tanks, charge our phones then why can't we do the same for our body and by that I mean our brain. We have studied that computer like technologies are reliable and have the characteristic of diligence but that is not the characteristic of a human. It does get tired and it needs to be refreshed. If you want a break ,you are getting it. You are not a machine that can work 24/7. You need a holiday. Our life is already a task. Then why to make it more challenging by not refreshing yourself. Researches have said that more work always give less productive results. And by break I don't mean weekends that are packed with activities and holidays when you do more work than relaxing. No,that type of free time only cost energies. By break I mean rest by which you can charge your battery to live a productive life. Always remember a phone is never charged if its still on work. Rest only helps you to do more work.

Today was my last examination and now for a few days I am literally not going to do any work. I am going to enjoy this vaca and when I will go back to school I will be full of energy {PS blog is not a work for me by which I can get tired.}

Some of the things I would love to do would be-

1. Do what you want

There are no rules for a vacation. you want to plan a trip, fine plan. Want to wake up early,get up and want to sleep lately, sleep in.

If you are going on a trip with your partner, relative or family it is not necessary to spend 24/7 with them. Just do what you love. People also waste their energy in taking a perfect picture which they can post on social media. Who cares, just focus on moments enjoyed. you are not relaxing to post pictures.

2. Read

Pick your favorite book or better make a wish list of books you want to read. Many of us don't even get the time to read the books which are being covered with dust in our book shelves. You never know reading might help you get a change in your daily routines.

3. Get bored

One of my favorite time is to get bored to find new ideas. It sounds easier than it is because of distraction.Instead of giving into distraction, just give into boredom and see it leads to your mind. First I also did things so that I can avoid boredom but now I got that it helps you to think about even those things which you can't think of them at time of distractions or work.

There's never a good time to take a break. There are always reasons like-"what will everyone think about me?","i don't have time", or "people will think that i am lazy"

If you are thinking that you don't have time for a break then you don't even have time for work. So before you use any of those reasons, check whats important you or people?

So guys that's it for now and take a break so that you can be refreshed to read my next blog.

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